Monday, October 20, 2008

Cusco: Touristic circuit Valle Sur to be promoted to increase attractions

The touristic circuit Valle Sur (South Valley) of Cusco, which covers around 20 km, will be promoted in order to increase the offer of attractions to visit in this department. To this end, five touristic development plans are being prepared to promote other destinations in the department, which include touristic development in the Espinar region with the Suicutambo canyon, the Calca development plan, which is home to Pisac, the largest artisan market in the country, and the promotion of Paucartambo as a natural balcony from which the sunrise can be viewed.

The fourth plan covers the Canchis region, which houses the temple to the god Wiracocha, which is projected to be promoted along with the region’s hot springs. Finally, the fifth plan refers to the region of Quispicanchi, Ollantaytambo, Vilcabamba and the Capac Nan, or Camino Inca project, and will work with the INC

Taken from: Travel@latinamerica


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