Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Arequipa expects 350,000 visitors each year

The city of Arequipa in southern Peru would receive 350,000 tourists each year, according to the Tourism Plan 2015 designed by the provincial mayor, Simon Balbuena Marroquin, in coordination with several entities linked to the sector.
The initiative, to be run from July this year, seeks to promote several tourist attractions in national and international fairs.

The promotion of activities commemorating the anniversary of Arequipa in August is one of the first projects of the plan, as well as religious and traditional festivals held in the city throughout the year.
Balbuena expressed his confidence and said that about 200,000 tourists are expected to visit Arequipa this year, a 15 percent rise compared to figures registered last year.
"We are working to increase the annual number of tourists. We will promote tourism, in particularly in neighboring countries like Bolivia, Brazil, Chile and Argentina".
The plan will finance the acquisition of 20 video cameras to be installed in strategic areas of the Historic Center, with the aim of providing security to tourists and the general public.
Peru's National Police, as well as security service in downtown streets will participate in the cameras installations.

Source: Andina


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