Sunday, June 14, 2009

Puno authorities launch Aymara tourism route

Authorities in the Andean region of Puno, southeastern Peru, has launched a tourism route aimed at becoming one of the most popular in the Altiplano area, which has Lake Titicaca as its main attraction.
Local tourism police chief Edgar Saavedra said that this route dubbed Aymara (an ancient culture that flourished in Puno) includes the towns of Acora, Chucuito and Plateria, among others near the border with Bolivia.

“This route was almost closed. Tourists used to take the Quechua route to visit Taquile and Los Uros Islands, but now they have other option,” he said.
He pointed out that visitors can arrive in Acora from the port of Amantani Island, and from there, they can take the road to enjoy community-based tourism or adventure tourism like riding a bike or a motorcycle.
“This route has areas such as Charcas, a beautiful white sand beach. In Acora and Plateria we can experience community based tourism, sharing traditional activities with local people,” he added.
“Peru is a tourism destination and Puno is not the exception. Tourism Police will provide security for both domestic and foreign tourists,” he said.

To see tours in Puno, click here

Source: Andina


1 comment:

Rachel said...

I like it when the activities you can do in tourist place are related to the traditional costums and dealing with locals. That gives you the opportunity to share cultures with the natives. When I travelled to Argentina, I was able to stay in a hotel boutique in calafate (the south of the country) and most of the places I visited were full of locals who told me stories of the place.
Loved it!

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