Sunday, June 14, 2009

Peru remains safe destination for tourism, Ministry says

Peru remains a safe destination for receptive tourism because AH1N1 flu in the country represents only isolated cases and does not imply a massive contagion, Peruvian Minister of Foreign Trade and Tourism, Mercedes Araoz said.
“We expect foreign tourists continue coming to Peru, because safe tourism can be developed in this country as we have the required health and hygiene mechanisms,” she told Andina.
In that sense, she pointed out that the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Tourism (Mincetur), in coordination with travel agencies, is working to provide the best information to the foreign markets.
“The goal is to explain to foreign people that Peru does not have any pandemic, because 25 cases of this virus are isolated,” she said.
She asked the media not to generate a media panic because most of AH1N1 cases are imported, in other words, these are people who have arrived from the United States, Mexico and Panama.
“Very few people have AH1N1 flu and there is no serious case; these are some cases like any regular flu,” she added.
News has been exaggerated in both national and international media, which has been affecting tourism worldwide.

Source: Andina


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