Sunday, June 14, 2009

Orient-Express to build five-star hotel in Cusco

After obtaining the municipal permits, Orient-Express Hotels Trains & Cruises announced it will start building its five-star hotel project in Las Nazarenas Convent in Cusco by August this year, with an investment of 14 million dollars. Project includes 56 luxury rooms.

In 2007, Orient Express obtained authorization from the Peruvian National Institute of Culture (INC) to start operations at both regional and national level, but it did not receive the authorization from the Municipality of Cusco.
Authorities were against the proposed construction of underground tunnels between Las Nazarenas Convent and Monasterio Hotel, both under concession of this chain.
According to the Monasterio Hotel's general manager Patricio Zucconi, this issue was solved in November 2008 when the company decided to cancel the construction of underground tunnels in the project, and thus obtained the necessary permits.
Looking for booking hotels in Cusco? Click here

Source: Andina


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