Sunday, June 14, 2009

Lake Titicaca continues to lead N7W of Nature contest

For the third consecutive week, Lake Titicaca continues to lead Group F (lakes, rivers and waterfalls) of the New Seven Wonders of Nature campaing, according to the latest ranking released on Monday by the contest organizers.

With less than two months left until the 21 finalists are announced, the New 7 Wonders Foundation noted that Titicaca, a nomination shared by Peru and Bolivia, beats competitors such as the U.S. Niagara Falls and Europe's second-longest river, Danube River.
On the other hand, the Amazon River and Rainforest remains second in Group E, (Forests, National Parks and Nature Reserves), which is now led by Puerto Princesa Subterranean River National Park in the Philippines.
Furthermore, the Colca Canyon located in Arequipa moved up one place to second in Group D, which includes caves, rock formations and valleys.
A total of 261 qualified national and multinational nominees from 222 countries are participating in this second phase of the Official New7Wonders of Nature campaign.
Votes to nominate semifinalists will be cast until July 7 at The top 77 nominees by group categories (the top 11 in each of the seven groups) will be eligible for consideration by the New7Wonders of Nature Panel of Experts.
The Panel of Experts will review these 77 nominees and choose from them the 21 Official Finalists, according to published criteria.
The selection will be announced on 21 July 2009, and the 21 Official Finalists will then enter the third and final phase to vote and choose the Official New7Wonders of Nature.
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Source: Andina


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